E-CoS Events

E-CoS is active in the organization of many CS events, see below. This is not a comprehensive list of Compressed Sensing events, for others see the useful resources page.

Maxwell Colloquium and Associated Workshop

  • Computational Complexity Challenges in Optimization. May 12-13 2011 at Edinburgh University. Keynote speaker: Felipe Cucker. Organizers: Coralia Cartis and Martin Lotz.

ICNAAM Symposium on Sparse Approximation and Compressed Sensing

  • 19-25 September 2010 in Rhodes, Greece. Organizer: Jeffrey Blanchard.

British (Applied) Mathematics Colloquium 2010, special session Information [update: website no longer live]

  • Special session on Mathematics of Information, April 6-9 2010, hosted at the University of Edinburgh. Speakers: Anders Hansen, Mauro Maggioni, Joel Tropp and John Wright. Keynote: Emmanuel Candes. Organizer: Jared Tanner.

Sparsity and Nonlinear Diffusion for Signal and Image Processing

  • A two day meeting bringing together mathematicians and electical engineers exploiting sparsity for signal and image processing. ICMS, Edinburgh, 23-24 November 2009. Organizing committee: Alexander Belyaev and Jared Tanner.

EPSRC Capstone Conference

  • Special session on Sparse Approximation and Compressed Sensing, Warwick University, June 30, 2009. Organizer: Jared Tanner.


  • Special Session on Sparse Approximation and High-dimensional Geometry. Marseilles, May 18-22, 2009. Organizer: Jared Tanner.

UK Sparse Approximation Day

  • A meeting of researchers of sparse approximation throughout the UK. ICMS, Edinburgh, November 3, 2007. Organizer: Jared Tanner.

2007 von Neumann Symposium

  • Sparse Representation and High-Dimensional Geometry, July 8-12, 2007. Organizing committee: Ron DeVore, David L. Donoho, Anna Gilbert, and Jared Tanner.